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Saving Eric Mary Burns Mary's nightmare began when her seven-year-old adopted son inexplicably screamed before dinner one night. From that point on, her son's struggle became her struggle. Mental and physical illness, along with drug addiction, turned her life upside down. The love Mary had for her son, though, never waned as she desperately tried to... |
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Botticelli's Muse Dorah Blume A provocative historical fiction about Italian Renaissance artist Sandro Botticelli, his conflicts with the Medici family of Florence, and the woman at the heart of his paintings. In 1477, Botticelli is suddenly fired by his prestigious patron and friend Lorenzo de' Medici. In the villa of his irritating new patron, the artist’s creative well runs dry... |
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Vapour Trails Abdul Qadir Two friends living a legally questionable life decide one day to leave it all behind and turn over a new leaf. They soon realize that actions have consequences, and getting out is much harder than getting in. A transgressive tour of Pakistan, Vapor Trails describes a world that is painted in strange... |
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In Search of Courage Steve Friedman Loner. Anti-social. Broken! These words are often used to describe over 40% of Americans who consider themselves introverts today. Do you struggle to voice your opinions at work? Do social situations drain your battery? Friedman's award-winning book is more than a compelling memoir. It offers a... |
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The Translucent Boy and the Girl Who Saw Him Tom Hoffman Odo Whitley is translucent, human frosted glass, eyes peering through him, never at him. His achingly lonely existence is upended when a strange girl with flaming orange hair passes him a cryptic note in science class, sending the two unlikely new friends on an interdimensional... |
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The Moon Hunters Anya Pavelle For fans of The Hunger Games, Divergent, and The Gender Game comes a captivating new story like no other. The Pestilence sweeps the globe with terrifying speed. A group of survivors finds an island sanctuary. Three generations later, no one has heard from the outside world in years... |
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Mavericks, Mystics, and Misfits Arthur Hoyle Mavericks, Mystics, and Misfits takes the reader on a journey across American history, from the colonial period to the present, through the life stories of exceptional men and women who have responded in unconventional ways to the challenges and circumstances of their time and place. The journey begins in... |
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Religion Delusion John Carlshausen It is foolish to believe there is an invisible friend in the sky called God, who is watching over you and seven billion other people who reside here on Earth. He is watching over us twenty four hours a day and has been doing this for centuries. Anyone who believes this nonsense is being... |
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Diggin' Up Bones Bonnie Wright Diggin' Up Bones reveals shame's maniacal weaponry, joker-like masks and mind games causing psychological and emotional damage to the most vulnerable, manifesting itself in adulthood, and conceived and embedded across future generations. This inspirational love story digs deep, challenging and uprooting the... |
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The Palm Reader Antoinette Zam When someone from a friend group dies, the secrets do not die with her. Four women — Casey, Elle, Kathy, and Lauren — were barely adults when they met and became friends at Northwestern University. Their friendship grew over the four years they spent at college, and when their time together came to an end, they held on tight to their... |
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The Mourning Report Caitlin Garvey Two years after her mother's death from breast cancer, Caitlin, then 20 years old, was admitted to a psychiatric facility after a suicide attempt. There, a therapist diagnosed her with major depression and anxiety, and she spent time as an inpatient. Years later, still suffering from grief and depression, Caitlin decided to embark on... |
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Crowns of Gold Abbot Lee Granoff, MD Ancient Scythians (800B-200AD) re-emerge in the modern word to take over. This nomadic tribe had their roots in the Altai Mountains where China, Mongolia and Siberia meet. They created the first "Silk Road" from western China to the ancient empires of Egypt, Persia, Greece... |
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The Disciple's Wife Marilyn Malcolm Sarah never meant to follow Jesus. She was following her husband. Chasing after him. Trying to save him from the cult of a false messiah. In her pursuit, she wonders why only she seems to hear this charlatan proclaim himself to be God, again and again. And in her journey, she begins to recognize the truth. Wander the deserts and valleys... |
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Closure Has Come, Goldman Sachs Bobby Sachs You heard about my book, you saw me on the front cover just a few seconds ago, you’re debating in your mind right now whether you should read it or not. You are on the internet or standing at Barnes and Noble ready to make your decision. This is my first autobiography... |
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Story Intelligence Richard Stone & Scott Livengood Story Intelligence—SQ—helps you become a master of your story, a pursuit indispensable to personal and professional success. By developing your SQ, you’ll amplify and unleash every aspect of your intelligence, including your IQ and EQ. In this book, you’ll also learn how you’re wired for story and the... |
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God Bless Our Divided America David W. Marshall History is a powerful tool we can use to study the past, as well as its sometimes complex relationship with the present. To understand our nation's history is to also know its relevancy to today's current events. Over the centuries, the United States has been marked by divisions of race, class, religion, culture... |
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